Ankr Network

0.049225 (4.36%)
Market cap
Volume (24h) 53,065,564
Min-max price (24h) 0.044797 0.050154
BTC: 0.00000050987 (2.88%)
ETH: 0.000013372 (3.18%)
Advanced chart and data Ankr Network Chart
1h 24h 7d 1m 6m
1.22% 4.36% 13.72% 116.43% 1.99%
  • Rank 355
  • Ethereum token
  • Data storage/analytics/ai
Ankr Network - Distributed computing platform

Ankr Network aims to establish a more open cloud ecosystem by building a distributed computing platform that could leverage idle computing resources in an efficient marketplace. Noting high margins earned by tech giants involved in the cloud computing industry, the team behind Ankr Network believes there should be a way for researchers, students and startups to access affordable cloud computing in a way that is not centralized.

  Market Pairs Price
Bithumb 1 0.062258
Binance 2 0.049226
Kucoin 2 0.049533
Coinone 1 0.062544
  Exchange Pair Price
Bithumb ANKR/KRW 0.048591
Binance ANKR/USDT 0.057166
Kucoin ANKR/USDT 0.057223
Binance ANKR/BTC 0.048264
Coinone ANKR/KRW 0.048840
Kucoin ANKR/BTC 0.048863
Date step
Date range
Date Low High Avg Volume   Capitalization  