Fiat money supply M0 vs Cryptocurrencies

In economics, the money supply (or money stock) is the total value of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time. There are several ways to define "money", but standard measures usually include currency in circulation and demand deposits (depositors' easily accessed assets on the books of financial institutions).

In this report we are comparing cryptocurrencies capitalization(total cost of all issued coins) with countries "Money supply M0" in dollars (monetary base, narrow money(notes and coins) issued by government)

Source: Tradingeconomics M0 report

# Country/Coin M0/Circulation supply in millions
1 $3674797.0
2 $1534107.3071768084
3 $1076611.952
4 $902173.6179
5 $552018.3966
6 $369471.0711134437
7 $136406.1288
8 $107975.06553384563
9 $107303.4943
10 $100627.55295862569
11 $88351.29319
12 $83233.67065
13 $79691.88107
14 $73336.28806
15 $71782.18253
16 $69598.62272
17 $67890.68904
18 $66710.94085
19 $62191.52426
20 $59503.08468
21 $47256.73166
22 $46470.51359
23 $45350.1664
24 $42878.27936
25 $42322.26387
26 $40323.90205
27 $38893.25504
28 $37335.68785
29 $36833.72027
30 $35007.55192
31 $33031.36502290429
32 $32267.79539
33 $31550.75862
34 $25242.739428535264
35 $24906.53783
36 $24612.02823
37 $24293.20295
38 $22949.4105
39 $22863.00874
40 $19952.44362
41 $19741.62156
42 $18103.67914
43 $17717.2542
44 $16798.615139664136
45 $16589.8296
46 $15785.54504
47 $13932.78894
48 $12945.62148
49 $12539.67704
50 $11218.03466
51 $9757.404521
52 $9657.747428
53 $9148.43107689879
54 $8501.366529646943
55 $8300.721276
56 $8075.071011
57 $7649.221585607212
58 $7272.329377392265
59 $6879.2269
60 $6608.605502
61 $6575.958579777315
62 $6150.171922
63 $5727.772292
64 $5526.16459
65 $5457.10306762045
66 $5429.179574
67 $4934.509158
68 $4421.372344
69 $4225.714941
70 $4064.19962
71 $4036.787046
72 $3737.8375
73 $3635.584678
74 $3631.642646
75 $3586.3652
76 $3569.024184
77 $3500.300080198302
78 $3024.124036
79 $2986.4511476879634
80 $2602.94696
81 $2568.395656467738
82 $2541.3905284929087
83 $2168.79916198573
84 $2084.3264625390093
85 $2065.084231
86 $2062.94088
87 $2034.315128
88 $1587.61152
89 $1494.8724
90 $1463.166915
91 $1432.195252280978
92 $1254.519004
93 $1236.093467
94 $1190.7378
95 $1158.583135
96 $1144.293446
97 $1142.7811078674292
98 $1136.693474
99 $1124.0098749647589
100 $1095.135525
101 $1085.812583
102 $1081.739497414931
103 $1030.8038387035742
104 $1027.9993056962874
105 $998.5257992
106 $932.3056271896968
107 $921.8369538
108 $902.5824370195645
109 $846.6586812121843
110 $831.1078210865069
111 $801.4745919533162
112 $795.3819513640291
113 $775.0855388165235
114 $730.3586393738075
115 $668.5460454672545
116 $650.9117725614248
117 $544.9027605
118 $537.2748143775698
119 $482.6081697144832
120 $461.7919114513987
121 $385.1004948956915
122 $373.0705002057213
123 $369.03
124 $328.7704845171532
125 $327.18426173454696
126 $322.6753672132803
127 $312.81966310269814
128 $305.310762
129 $301.9547
130 $299.036379
131 $283.64271579596937
132 $267.8132708355281
133 $258.33060494999995
134 $258.09781247031304
135 $252.45693414567288
136 $251.03516093492902