Futures sentiment by category

Futures open interest on CME&CBOE

Funds(leveraged funds) - These are typically hedge funds and various types of money managers
Other(Other Reportables) - Reporable traders(ie big professional traders)
Small(Non Reportable) - Traders below reportable limit(ie small unprofessional traders)
Dealer and Asset managers hidden by default due to small amount
Spread positions are not shown due to same reason

CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange(CFTC/1330E1),
CBOE - Chicago Board Options Exchange(CFTC/133741), available from 2018-04-10 due to insufficient amount of traders.

The Commitments of Traders is a weekly market report issued by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) enumerating the holdings of participants in various futures markets in the United States.

Futures report as of 2019-05-07 CME & CBOE combined

Open Interest: 120,502 (-314)

Category Short Long Sentiment
Funds 68,967
80.4% sell
19.6% buy
Others 8,264
34.36% sell
65.64% buy
Small 3,721
27.92% sell
72.08% buy

Short brief

No data updates from CFTC due to US government shutdown.