0.54430 (-3.55%)
Market cap 23,568,143,990
Volume (24h) 461,106,657
Min-max price (24h) 0.53648 0.56433
BTC: 0.0000080034 (-0.97%)
ETH: 0.00020576 (-0.9%)
Public supply 43,299,885,509
Total supply 99,991,280,558
Start date Feb 2, 2013
1h 24h 7d 1m 6m
1.46% 3.55% 2.07% 10.09% 2.73%
XRP - Banking blockchain

Ripple is a real-time gross settlement system (RTGS), currency exchange and remittance network by Ripple. Released in 2012, Ripple purports to enable "secure, instant and nearly free global financial transactions of any size with no chargebacks". It supports tokens representing fiat currency, cryptocurrency, commodity or any other unit of value such as frequent flier miles or mobile minutes. At its core, Ripple is based around a shared, public database or ledger, which uses a consensus process that allows for payments, exchanges and remittance in a distributed process. Ripples aren't mined but each transaction destroys a small amount of XRP which adds a deflationary measure into the system.

  Market Pairs Price
Bithumb 1 0.66627
Binance 7 0.59388
ProBit 2 0.59466
Huobi 2 0.58967
Kucoin 5 0.59314
Gate.io 3 0.36908
Coinone 1 0.66665
HitBTC 6 0.52980
Bitfinex 2 0.53398
EXMO 5 0.55945
Yobit 6 0.43026
  Exchange Pair Price
Bithumb XRP/KRW 0.53613
Binance XRP/USDT 0.62721
ProBit XRP/USDT 0.62726
Huobi XRP/USDT 0.62727
Kucoin XRP/USDT 0.62747
Gate.io XRP/USDT 0.62730
Binance XRP/USDC 0.90288
Binance XRP/BTC 0.54100
Coinone XRP/KRW 0.53644
HitBTC XRP/USD 0.53359
Bitfinex XRP/USD 0.53438
EXMO XRP/USD 0.53810
Kucoin XRP/USDC 0.90264
Binance XRP/ETH 0.53672
Bitfinex XRP/BTC 0.54549
Kucoin XRP/BTC 0.53784
Binance TRX/XRP 0.53445
EXMO XRP/EUR 0.84200
Kucoin XRP/ETH 0.53457
Huobi XRP/BTC 0.53748
ProBit XRP/BTC 0.54827
Binance XRP/BNB 0.53330
Binance XRP/TUSD 0.43576
HitBTC XRP/BTC 0.54427
Gate.io XRP/BTC 0.54073
EXMO XRP/ETH 0.53628
EXMO XRP/BTC 0.54328
Gate.io XRP/USDC 0.90361
Kucoin XRP/KCS 0.60669
HitBTC XRP/ETH 0.53529
Yobit XRP/RUR 0.53400
HitBTC XRP/USDC 0.90328
HitBTC XRP/DAI 0.51072
Yobit XRP/BTC 0.54351
Yobit XRP/USD 0.55755
Yobit XRP/ETH 0.55598
HitBTC XRP/EURS 0.53477
Yobit XRP/DOGE 0.71727
Yobit XRP/WAVES 0.59639
Date step
Date range
Date Low High Avg Volume   Capitalization  