
Market cap 295,744
Volume (24h)
Min-max price (24h)
BTC: 0.000000011735
ETH: 0.00000029354
Public supply 299,888,751
Total supply 1,000,000,000
Advanced chart and data QuadrantProtocol Chart
1h 24h 7d 1m 6m
QuadrantProtocol - Blockchain platform

Quadrant Protocol is the engine that powers Quadrant's data mapping capabilities. One of the first operational blockchain-based data protocols, it is already mapping the data universe for its users. Quadrant Protocol is built with the most advanced technology that currently exists. It combines the powerful capabilities of the blockchain with new innovations developed by the Quadrant team to stamp and map disparate data sets. Quadrant is building world-leading data technology that enables complex data transactions.

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