Loom Network

0.058086 (-3.39%)
Market cap 46,137,708
Volume (24h) 15,064,035
Min-max price (24h) 0.047111 0.067834
BTC: 0.00000093894 (-2.09%)
ETH: 0.000023916 (-3.07%)
Public supply 794,301,865
Total supply 1,000,000,000
Advanced chart and data Loom Network Chart
1h 24h 7d 1m 6m
0.61% 3.39% 5.91% 18.21% 49.85%
Loom Network - Games and social apps platform.

Loom Network DAppChains are built for Games and Social Apps. Token-based karma, Ethereum-based crypto-collectibles, all based on forkable, decentralized, and human-readable blockchain rulesets. DAppChains are full-featured blockchains that are built to run in parallel to Ethereum Smart Contracts. They’re an advanced form of Ethereum sidechains optimized for scaling data rather than financial transactions.

  Market Pairs Price
Bithumb 1 0.064396
Kucoin 2 0.058086
Yobit 1 0.067834
  Exchange Pair Price
Bithumb LOOM/KRW 0.052678
Kucoin LOOM/USDT 0.061254
Kucoin LOOM/BTC 0.053259
Date step
Date range
Date Low High Avg Volume   Capitalization  