OPEN Platform

0.0074181 (0%)
Market cap 3,235,140
Volume (24h) 209,525
Min-max price (24h)
BTC: 0.000000088270 (0%)
ETH: 0.0000022080 (0%)
Public supply 436,114,139
Total supply 1,000,000,000
Advanced chart and data OPEN Platform Chart
1h 24h 7d 1m 6m
0% 0% 0% 14.22% 30.59%
OPEN Platform - Blockchain platform for applications

From architecting a mainstream app with 50 million+ downloads, to developing digital projects for major brands like Toyota and Adidas, to being featured in both New York Times and CNBC, to guest speaking to engineers at Yahoo on mobile growth, to being tasked with leading the deployment of the Asia-Pacific head quarters of a billion dollar software company The Open Money team has a track record technical development and plans to develop the first platform to bridge mainstream software to the blockchain. Solving first a priority problem, for software developers monetization (acceptance) and distribution, in a way built for developers, by developers.

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