
Market cap 1,255,388
Volume (24h)
Min-max price (24h)
BTC: 0.0000057107
ETH: 0.00014285
Public supply 2,615,852
Max supply 2,600,000
Start date Jan 2, 2014
ICO date Jan 2, 2014
ICO raised 1.72M
Advanced chart and data CounterParty Chart
1h 24h 7d 1m 6m
CounterParty - Cryptocurrency with Smart Contract Platform

Counterparty extends Bitcoin’s functionality by “writing in the margins” of regular Bitcoin transactions, opening the door for innovation and advanced features not possible with ordinary Bitcoin software. The Counterparty protocol is open source and extensively tested. Besides allowing users to create and trade any kind of digital token, Counterparty enables anyone to write specific digital agreements, or programs known as Smart Contracts, and execute them on the Bitcoin blockchain. Smart Contracts are a revolutionary technology which opens the door to endless possibilities. By using the Bitcoin’s decentralized ledger network and Counterparty’s built-in scripting language, real-world scenarios can now be transformed into code and executed automatically with no need for an intermediary.

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