
Market cap 2,205,561
Volume (24h)
Min-max price (24h)
BTC: 0.0000046951
ETH: 0.00011745
Public supply 5,589,750
Max supply 21,000,000
Start date Nov 6, 2016
Advanced chart and data ZClassic Chart
1h 24h 7d 1m 6m
ZClassic - Privacy-focused cryptocurrency

Zero-knowledge proving scheme is a decentralized and open-source technology that offers privacy and selective transparency of transactions. Zclassic is a fork of Zcash decided to take another path by removing the 20% fee. Miners are simply earning their fair reward, we believe they deserve it, and the coin development can be supported by the community. ZCL also differs from ZEC by removing the slow start (source), we are not trying to deliberately engineer scarcity: The Market decides the price.

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