Rupee price prediction

Our price prediction is based on hi-resolution deal analysis from cryptocurrency exchanges. We are collecting and gather statistics to obtain price support levels that show most important zones witch traders want to buy or sell stocks. These buy/sell histograms showed in report combined with current trend analysis can be used to build high probability forecasting of future price trends. It also can be useful to set a price on calculated levels to be sure maximum profit was received.

Cryptocurrency trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor. All trading strategies are used at your own risk. This page performs statistical analysis of past data and can be used for assumptions about the future only taking into account the statistical probability

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Rupee price levels prediction for next 24 hours

Next 24 hours brief prediction

Price of RUP has broken last trend and will FALL from the support level $0.0103360005

Historic price levels for next 24 hours

These levels are based on local historic minimums and maximums. Weight shows the power of broken trends.
Price Weight(level power) Date of formation

Volume profile price channel in 24 hours range

Edge levels of the price channel based on volume profile report.
Price Description
0.0103360005 Maximum price support level based on 24 hours movements

Rupee price levels prediction for next 7 days

Next 7 days brief prediction

Price of RUP has broken last trend and will FALL from the support level $0.010840002

Historic price levels for next 7 days

These levels are based on local historic minimums and maximums. Weight shows the power of broken trends.
Price Weight(level power) Date of formation
$0.07855283468961716 Weight: 13.007 27 Apr 2018
$0.07184852659702301 Weight: 11.76 23 Oct 2017
$0.069727323949337 Weight: 8.223 08 Mar 2018
$0.06495265662670135 Weight: 13.992 26 Apr 2018
$0.06489253789186478 Weight: 12.477 22 Oct 2017
$0.06487169861793518 Weight: 20.617 09 Mar 2018
$0.05033526197075844 Weight: 8.349 17 May 2018
$0.04967476800084114 Weight: 15.329 22 Apr 2018
$0.041667770594358444 Weight: 10.24 19 Oct 2017
$0.015842419117689133 Weight: 12.053 26 May 2018

Volume profile price channel in 7 days range

Edge levels of the price channel based on volume profile report.
Price Description
0.010840002 Maximum price support level based on 7 days movements

Rupee price levels prediction for next 30 days

Next 30 days brief prediction

Price of RUP has broken last trend and will FALL from the support level $0.041399997

Historic price levels for next 30 days

These levels are based on local historic minimums and maximums. Weight shows the power of broken trends.
Price Weight(level power) Date of formation
$0.18119508028030396 Weight: 40.593 05 Nov 2017
$0.17314478754997253 Weight: 14.587 06 Feb 2018
$0.16392701864242554 Weight: 28.426 29 Dec 2017
$0.14274603128433228 Weight: 28.264 31 Oct 2017
$0.13815222680568695 Weight: 36.218 25 Dec 2017
$0.1326572448015213 Weight: 15.649 10 Dec 2017
$0.13027290999889374 Weight: 15.225 19 Feb 2018
$0.11919382959604263 Weight: 43.082 30 Oct 2017
$0.06487169861793518 Weight: 20.617 09 Mar 2018
$0.04967476800084114 Weight: 15.329 22 Apr 2018

Volume profile price channel in 30 days range

Edge levels of the price channel based on volume profile report.
Price Description
0.041399997 Maximum price support level based on 30 days movements
Highly correlated currencies
Coin Correlation Links
First tier
0.8209798 details, prediction
0.80214083 details, prediction
0.7785476 details, prediction
0.7783567 details, prediction
0.7766026 details, prediction
Second tier
0.8195445 details, prediction
0.81708735 details, prediction
0.8111142 details, prediction
0.80831784 details, prediction
0.79693645 details, prediction
Third tier
0.964623 details, prediction
0.9221229 details, prediction
0.9139108 details, prediction
0.90160364 details, prediction
0.8944746 details, prediction

This report should be leaned to get most info about heading trends. It means that Rupee price can be leaded by other, more mighty cryptocurrency, or maybe some market trend have affect on it.

It can be confidently asserted that any crypto currency has a significant dependence on the market as a whole and, in particular, the top 3 currencies - Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple, so the prediction of their prices will affect the price of Rupee
Low correlated currencies
Coin Correlation Links
First tier
-0.18118517 details, prediction
-0.0015107287 details, prediction
0.4064998 details, prediction
0.44755578 details, prediction
0.5532812 details, prediction
Second tier
-0.3444239 details, prediction
-0.07220862 details, prediction
-0.041496426 details, prediction
0.07786675 details, prediction
0.14656624 details, prediction
Third tier
-0.7095058 details, prediction
-0.49285927 details, prediction
-0.41506606 details, prediction
-0.35642287 details, prediction
-0.3450738 details, prediction

This report should be leaned to build highly diversified portfolio.
It makes sense to mention that a low correlation in this case includes not only coins whose movements are not statistically related but, on the contrary, move in opposite directions (in the case of a negative value of the parameter)